Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace

The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace by H. W. Brands


This is an excellent book that helps revitalize Grant's image as one of the great generals in history and a decent president to boot.  Brands does not include any maps but none are really needed as he does not dive deep into the battles but clearly explains Grant's military genius and efficiency on the battlefield.  As president, Grant always tried to do the right thing for the freedman and the Native Americans.  Highly recommended.

Interesting Facts

The Dominican Republic wanted to become part of the United States.  Grant was all for this as was Frederick Douglas but Charles Sumner in his dislike for Grant blocked this from happening in the Senate.

Grant did not drink much but the few times he did, it was clear that alcohol affected him more than it did a typical male.  During the Civil War and later, he was provably known to have only drank once.

By the time Grant became president, he believed in full equality for blacks.